

Regular price¥3,000
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・フローラ ファーストセラム トライアルサイズ 1個  10mL

・フローラ スキンケアオイル トライアルサイズ 1個  10g



【フローラ ファーストセラム】


昼用 夜用





[フルーツコンプレックスM]グレープフルーツ果実エキス、グレープフルーツ種子エキス、ナツメ果実エキス、リンゴ果実エキス、サンザシエキス、ライム果汁、オレンジ果汁、レモン果汁 全成分

全成分をみる [成分] 水、乳酸桿菌/豆乳発酵液、ユズ果実水、BG、コメ発酵液、コメヌカエキス、サッカロミセスセレビシアエエキス、グレープフルーツ果実エキス、グレープフルーツ種子エキス、ナツメ果実エキス、リンゴ果実エキス、ヒメコウジ葉エキス、サンザシエキス、ライム果汁、オレンジ果汁、レモン果汁、グリセリン、ヒドロキシプロピルメチルセルロース、ヒドロキシエチルセルロース、クエン酸Na

【フローラ スキンケアオイル】


昼用 夜用


スキンバランシングフォーミュラF(整肌)は、美肌菌の働きと皮膚常在菌のバランスに着目したことから生まれた、マナビス独自の処方。乳酸菌生産物質と、植物由来成分を組み合わせたフルーツコンプレックスM は、いずれも、こだわり抜いた整肌成分です。洗顔直後の角層にアプローチし、肌にもともと備わっている、自らうるおいを保とうとするチカラをサポート。さらに、その後に使うアイテムの保湿成分が角層のすみずみまで行き渡るよう整えます。





全成分をみる [成分] ホホバ種子油、アーモンド油、ヒマワリ種子油、トリ(カプリル酸/カプリン酸)グリセリル、乳酸桿菌/豆乳発酵液、水、グリセリン、ペンチレングリコール、マカデミアナッツ脂肪酸エチル、スクワラン、アルガニアスピノサ核油、オリーブ果実油、α−グルカンオリゴサッカリド、レモングラス油、ティーツリー葉油、マヨラナ花油、サンザシエキス、ナツメ果実エキス、グレープフルーツ果実エキス、リンゴ果実エキス、オレンジ果汁、レモン果汁、ライム果汁、カンゾウ根エキス、カプリル酸グリセリル、BG、酢酸トコフェロール、トコフェロール、リンゴ酸

注意事項をみる ※傷・はれもの・しっしん・かぶれなど異常のある部位にはお使いにならないでください。



Q.Please tell me how to order.
A. First, please register for an account. After that, you can order products by logging in.

Q.Can I order only tools?
A.It is not possible to order tools only. Please combine this with your order for one or more regular items.

Q.Please tell me the payment method.
A.The following payment methods are available.
Payment method/Credit card payment/Pay pal
・Google pay
・Apple pay
・Shop pay
・Amazon pay
*We are considering expanding payment methods in the future.
*Please use a credit card in your name.

Q.How much is the shipping charge?
A.There will be a shipping fee of 700 yen (tax included) nationwide for each order (including tools).
However, if the total order amount is 10,000 yen (tax included) or more, shipping is free.

Q.Can you ship the product overseas?
A.No. We apologize, but the product can only be delivered within Japan.

Q.Please tell me the shipping timing.
A.We will ship within 3 business days from the day after the order date.

Q.Can I specify the delivery date and time?
A. You can specify the date within 5 to 14 days after the order date.

Q.Can I cancel my order?
A.We cannot accept returns if the item is canceled, returned, or exchanged due to the customer's convenience, or if the item is scratched or soiled due to the customer's responsibility.
Please note.

Q. I have a question about the product, how to use it, and its ingredients.
A. Please contact us using the inquiry form. A representative will contact you. Please note that our reception hours are 09:00-17:00 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). Please note that it may take some time for us to respond.

Balancing care focusing on bacteria


Even though I take care of my skin every day, somehow my skin isn't feeling well.

In order to find out the cause, we focused on the bacteria that live on the skin, also known as skin-beautifying bacteria.

This also provided an opportunity for research into the balance of a wide variety of bacteria, which holds the key to good health.

For a fresh and blooming future,
From outside and inside the body.

customer's voice

first serum

Since I started using it, I feel like my skin has become more balanced and my skin problems have decreased.
It is one of the essential products.

Female in her 50s

first serum

My skin was naturally oily and always shiny, but since I started using Flora First Serum, it no longer feels shiny, probably because it's moisturized.

Female in her 50s

Skin care oil

My skin destiny changed when I encountered this product.

It moisturizes well without being sticky, and the condition of my skin the next morning after using it is completely different.

I like the natural scent. I've been getting more compliments about my beautiful skin, so I want to keep using it.

Woman in her 20s

skin care oil

As I got older, I was worried that my skin would become dry no matter how much I took care of it, but thanks to Flora Skin Care Oil, I was able to keep it moisturized.

Woman in her 70s

flora supplement basic

I don't feel refreshed every morning, and no matter what I drink, it only feels good at first and doesn't last long, but I still feel good even after taking this for over two months.

Female in her 60s

flora supplement basic

My husband and I love using it. I'm feeling great every day and I like it.
The capsules are small and easy to swallow.

70s woman

Beauty cannot be born from bare skin that lacks health.

What Manavis Cosmetics values ​​above all else is basic daily care.

It is essential for maintaining healthy skin.

If you can imagine your ideal beauty, add one or two items as special care.

Also, in order not to waste the efforts you have made every day, and to avoid reversing your progress toward your ideal beauty, protect your bare skin from external stimuli such as ultraviolet rays and near-infrared rays.

The steps you take every morning, 365 days a year, will lead to your future.

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